Secondary Tutor Groups
Students are organised into 6 tutor groups in each year. These groups are called B, G, O, P, R and Y.
Our year 7 tutors have a great deal of experience of supporting transition and so they remain as year 7 tutors for every new cohort of students that we welcome into school.
Once a student is then allocated a tutor in Year 8, we make every effort to ensure that they remain with the same lead or associate tutor throughout their time with us.
Every member of staff at Bradley Stoke Community School has responsibility to support our students in achieving the objectives in our core values; however, the tutor is the integrative centre for this.
Tutors are central to raising achievement, developing the social and emotional aspects of learning for their tutees, guiding students in developing learner confidence, routines and discipline, as well as delivering a range of sessions as part of the school’s PSHEE and IAGS curriculum.
Tutor Team (ID 1038)
Gareth Powell7B
Gareth Powell
Mike Bragg7G
Mike Bragg
Harriet Elliott7O
Harriet Elliott
Joseph Doul7P
Joseph Doul
Geoff Morris7R
Geoff Morris
Bethany King7Y
Bethany King -
Jolyon Townsend8B
Jolyon Townsend -
Sara McMahon8G (shared with Becci Colquhoun)
Becci Colquhoun8G (shared with Sara McMahon)
Katie Parsons8O
Katie Parsons
Sharon Ng8P
Sharon Ng
Ursula Dawson8R
Ursula Dawson
Rachel Garland8Y (shared with Nathalie Marshall)
Nathalie Marshall8Y (shared with Rachel Garland)
Christy Davis9B
Christy Davis
Claire Basnett9G
Claire Basnett -
Charis Chaloner9O
Charis Chaloner -
Kat Hyslop9P (shared with Abigail Lynden)
Abigail Lynden9P (shared with Kat Hyslop)
Laura Westgate9R
Laura Westgate
Jana Axamitova9Y
Jana Axamitova
Glen Hampson10B
Glen Hampson
Sarah Lockyer10G
Sarah Lockyer
Harrison Backwell10O
Harrison Backwell
Mervenur Erek10P
Mervenur Erek -
Caroline Murray10R
Caroline Murray -
Sarah Ashworth10Y
Sarah Ashworth
Lev Jones11B (shared with Alasdair Watson)
Alasdair Watson11B (shared with Lev Jones)
Shaun Newport11G
Shaun Newport
Rebecca Merchant11O (shared with Amy Suckling)
Rebecca Merchant
Amy Suckling11O (shared with Rebecca Merchant)
Claudia Algieri11P
Claudia Algieri>
Megan Hayward11R (shared with Kelly Moss)
Kelly Moss11R (shared with Megan Hayward)
Hazel Bartlett11Y (shared with Helen Vorajee)
Helen Vorajee11Y (shared with Hazel Bartlett)
Tutor Programme
At Bradley Stoke Community School, we have a well-developed Tutor Programme which is delivered by all tutors during the registration period every day.
The programme at Key Stage 3 (years 7-8- provides opportunities for students to develop their Literacy through the DEAR (drop everything and read) session where students are expected to bring reading material into school once a week. Students in these groups also take part in SEAL (social and emotional aspects of learning) sessions where they may consider a range of social issues and responses such as building empathy or resolving conflict.
At Key Stage 4 (Years 9-11) we deliver the Literacy aspect of our tutor programme through a “What’s hitting the headlines?” session. Here students spend time looking through daily newspapers or reading the on-line news and this provides time for our students to not only further develop their reading skills, but to also start to consider and debate some of the key issues both locally and also at national and world level. Other aspects of the key stage 4 tutor programmes include supporting students in organising their work experience placements in Year 10, and for Year 11 students, a range of sessions focusing on CV building, Post 16 pathways and revision skills.
As a means of creating some competition in the year groups, all groups also take part in a weekly tutor challenge. These are fun activities in which groups compete against each other every term to win the Tutor Challenge Trophy.
This competitive element is further enhanced through the schools House system. Students are organised into 4 houses (Amethyst, Topaz, Sapphire and Emerald) and inter-house competitions are held once a term. These include a range of sporting activities, general knowledge quizzes and much more. All the points for the winning houses contribute to the prestigious end of year house trophy which is awarded by the Team leader for PE.
Contact for parents
As a parent, your child’s tutor is the first point of contact should have any concerns about their behaviour, attendance, progress or general well-being. Tutors can be contacted by the main school number or by emailing them directly. A full list of staff can be found here and by clicking on the name of the teacher an email will be created.