Pastoral Team
Bradley Stoke Community School provides a warm and caring environment for all students. Children learn best when they are safe, happy and well cared for and staff at Bradley Stoke Community School provide outstanding care and guidance. The dedicated Head of Year Team oversee the tutor teams in school and are able to respond to concerns quickly as they do not have a teaching timetable.
The team lead on all aspects of student care and guidance, behaviour, attendance, child protection and student well-being and are highly skilled at supporting students experiencing any difficulties that affect their learning and progress.
Our commitment to supporting students and parents is demonstrated through the work of our Heads of Year Team and our regular parent information evenings.
One of our strengths as a school is our emphasis on working in partnership with parents; parents and carers have a significant influence in changing behaviours, overcoming barriers to learning and supporting their child through times of transition. It is this which provides the foundation children need to achieve their potential and our commitment to supporting our students and parents is demonstrated through the work of our Head of Year Team.
In addition to the Head of Year Team, the team also oversee the involvement of other professionals from external agencies who may need to support students from time to time. We are able to act as lead professionals for students where a wider assessment of needs is required and where an integrated approach to support is in the child’s best interests. Members of the Head of Year Team receive additional training for these aspects of their work and have a record of highly successful outcomes.
We are very pleased to be able to offer an in-house counselling provision and we are delighted to welcome our team of counsellors consisting of one lead counsellor, Andie Chappell, and two volunteer counsellors. We also work closely with other agencies and regularly signpost to organisations, such as Off The Record and Kooth, who are trusted and valued resources for our students.
The Head of Year Team are non-teachers and are therefore very available for both students and parents and carers.
The Pastoral Team are :-
Head of Year Team (ID 1053)
Andrea William-JonesAssistant Headteacher
Andrea William-Jones
Jacqui GallagherDesignated Safeguarding Lead
Jacqui Gallagher -
Emma RogersAssociate Assistant Headteacher
Emma Rogers
Nkoyo AntighaHead of Year 7 & Transition Lead
Nkoyo Antigha
Karlie StarrHead of Year 8
Karlie Starr -
Katie BrakeHead of Year 9
Katie Brake
Helen CleughHead of Year 10
Helen Cleugh
Dionne CallawayHead of Year 11
Dionne Callaway
Madelaine McGinnSchool Attendance Administrator
Madelaine McGinn
Andie ChappellSchool Counsellor
Andie Chappell
, uk -
Jane HendyPastoral Assistant
Jane Hendy
Laura LamberthPastoral Administrator
Laura Lamberth
The Head of Year Team are also able to ensure that key focus areas for the school, such as approaches to support the anti-bullying ethos, student council and rewards celebrations remain at the heart of the schools continuing drive for improvement. The Head of Year Team also oversee student leadership, which includes peer mentors, antibullying mentors and Post 16 mentors.
As part of National Time to Talk day, our Post 16 Student Welfare Ambassadors gave a presentation to Years 7-10, which you can see here.