Bradley Stoke Community School

Primary Home Learning

Completing learning at home helps children to process and embed what they have learnt during the school day. As shown in the table below, in the Primary Phase, we gradually increase the amount of home learning given to prepare children for their time in the Secondary Phase. 

Home learning information is sent out termly with the curriculum overviews and knowledge organisers for parents so they are aware of what their children are learning in school. 

Rewards are given to pupils to motivate them to complete their home learning. 

In EYFS and KS1, if pupils read aloud five times a week for a whole term, they earn a BSCS Bookworm badge. 

In KS2, when pupils have read 1million words on Accelerated Reader, they earn a special gold badge. 

Reading Times Tables  English Maths  Curriculum 
Reception  Read aloud to an adult five times a week Teachers plan a termly maths challenge for children to complete  Teachers plan a curriculum activity or challenge each term linked to the theme
Year 1 Read aloud to an adult five times a week Numbots online games three times a week   Teachers plan a curriculum activity or challenge each term linked to the theme
Year 2 Read aloud to an adult five times a week TT Rockstars practise three times a week  Complete one page a week of the CGP English book  Complete two pages a week of the CGP maths book  Teachers plan a curriculum activity or challenge each term linked to the theme
Year 3 Read aloud to an adult five times a week. TT Rockstars practise three times a week  Complete one page a week of the CGP English book  Complete one page a week of the CGP maths book  Teachers plan a curriculum activity or challenge each term linked to the theme
Year 4 Read five times a week and at least three of those times aloud to an adult TT Rockstars practise three times a week  Complete one page a week of the CGP English book  Complete one page a week of the CGP maths  book  Teachers plan a curriculum activity or challenge each term linked to the theme
Year 5  Read five times a week and at least two of those times aloud to an adult TT Rockstars practise three times a week  Complete one page a week of the CGP English book  Complete two pages a week of the CGP maths  book Teachers plan a curriculum activity or challenge each term linked to the theme
Year 6  Read five times a week and at least one of those times aloud to an adult TT Rockstars practise three times a week  Complete one page a week of the CGP English book  Complete two pages a week of the CGP maths  book Teachers plan a curriculum activity or challenge each term linked to the theme


Pupils are asked to bring their CGP books into school at the end of each Term to show their teachers their learning. 

Curriculum home learning can be brought into class or shared using Seesaw.