Bradley Stoke Community School

Supporting Your Child

Growing up and navigating your way through the changes that this brings in terms of friendships and social interactions, increasing expectations for course work and independent work, coping with periods of transition such as moving into Year 10 and starting GCSE courses, or perhaps battling with self-esteem and confidence will all be worrying times for parents and carers too. Knowing how to best support your child when they are worried or anxious can be difficult in itself as typically adolescents tend to communicate less as they get older.


Useful Contact Information 

Young people’s mental health


  • Off The Record: Free, self-referral counselling service for young people age 11-15, who are experiencing low mood, depression, anxiety, phobias, self-harm, eating problems and/or anger. Young people can call, email or text, and services operate in Patchway, Kingswood and Yate. Also offer parent support groups and sessions. Can also see Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for more information and up to date groups and activities.

Tel: 0808 808 9120. Text: 07896 880011. Website: Email:

  • Kooth: Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people 11-18. Monday – Friday 12pm – 10pm, Saturday – Sunday 6pm – 10pm. On Kooth you can: Chat to our friendly counsellors; Read articles written by young people; Get support from the Kooth community; Write in a daily journal.
  • Childline: Free counselling via online webchat, and free support/advice available 24/7 via confidential helpline, and emails via the website.  Tel: 0800 11 11. Website:
  • HELP Counselling: Low-cost counselling for children and young people age 9-25 years old.  Website:
  • Young Minds national charity offers confidential online and telephone information and support for anyone worried about the emotional, behaviour, or mental health of a child/young person up to 25 years of age, including ADHD, Autism and Aspergers. Parents Helpline: 0808 802 5544    Website:
  • Young Minds Crisis Messenger Service for free 24/7 support across the UK of you are experiencing a mental health crisis. Text YM to 85258.     



Adult mental health


  • Samaritans: Free, confidential emotional support for those experiencing despair, distress, self-harm or suicidal feelings.

Tel: 116 123 (free, from any phone, 24/7). Website: Email:


Family/parenting support


  • NHS website: Advice for parents on a range of parenting issues, including talking to teenagers, fussy eating and teenage aggression. Website:
  • Parent Buddies is a confidential, universal, one-to-one listening service offering short-term support depending on family need. Volunteers are trained to provide parents/carers with listening, and signposting to specialist services.
  • CCP – Caring for Communities and People – Offer outreach support for families at an early help level. Families can self-refer.


Support for families who have children with additional needs


  • Supportive Parents: Local SEN and disability information service (SENDIAS) - Information and support around Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, for children, young people and families.

Tel: 0117 9897725 Mon-Fri 9.30 - 4.30 (answerphone at other times),  Email:   Website:  

  • South Glos Parents and Carers: Information and groups for parents who have children with a disability and/or additional needs. Offers a weekly drop in for parents and carers, support groups, workshops, counselling and events. They also run the Parent Carer forum in South Gloucestershire to collect feedback and views from families with disabled children. Website: Email:


  • JIGSAW Thornbury Support families who have children who are 0-25 years and have any additional needs or disability. This can be anything from learning needs such as dyslexia to complex disabilities or medical problems. Many children who come have no diagnosis. Weekly support group for parents, carers and children + training courses on a range of topics. Telephone: 01454 416381 Website: