Bradley Stoke Community School

Careers at BSCS

At Bradley Stoke Community School, we provide a comprehensive Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) programme for every year group.

This year we are excited to be starting the process of working towards the Quality in Careers standard. This will evidence hat we have provided a planned programme of careers, employability and enterprise education in the curriculum, together with the careers information and careers advice and guidance. 

Most people spend many years of their life in a working environment and it is therefore important to equip our students with the necessary skills for them to make decisions about their future, to know how and where to access information and to link subject areas and qualifications with possible careers.

Good quality Careers Education will raise the aspirations of and help our students to become effective career planners and managers of their own progression through learning and work. It will increase motivation by linking activities in school with preparation for life Post 16 and Post 18. By providing quality information, advice and guidance, our aim is to raise students’ aspirations and ambitions for their futures and increase confidence, whilst offering equality of opportunity for all. 

The school regularly benchmarks itself against the Gatsby Benchmarks using the Compass Tool.

The Careers Lead in school is Mrs Lauren Stone tel. 01454 868840, email: 

Meet the Team

Careers & Work Experience Team (ID 1048)

The Careers Journey for BSCS Students 

The Career's Journey Map for BSCS 

Provider Access Policy for External Organisations 

Provider Access Policy

Careers Policy and Programme 

BSCS Careers Education Policy


Q. I am a parent and I would like to find out what is happening in the local job market? Where would I find this information?

A. This is a great idea as we know that helping students to look to the future can help provide them with a focus now. You can find all the information here: LMI Data 2023

Useful Career Websites

Useful Websites: - Careers advice

Career Pilot - Plan your future work and study

icould Careers - Providing an excellent introduction to career pathways

BTEC Parents' guide

Websites to find out more about Higher Education:   Website run by the organisation responsible for managing applications to higher education courses in the UK.  Provides information about courses, how and when to apply to university to apply to university  Graduate careers website, includes information about what kind of career your degree course might lead to    The university and college open day directory A guide to student finance – how and when to apply

Websites to find out about other Post 18 Opportunities:  Information about Post 18 options   The world's largest gap year social network  Information about jobs, apprenticeships, gap year and educational opportunities

UCAS website



 September 2023 Careers Newsletter


June 2023 Careers Newsletter

March 2023 Careers Newsletter

February 2023 Careers Newsletter

January 2023 Careers Newsletter

December 2022 Careers Newsletter

November 2022 Careers Newsletter

October 2022 Careers Newsletter

September 2022 Careers Newsletter