Bradley Stoke Community School

KS4 Curriculum

BSCS has a personalised curriculum model at Key Stage 4 that has proved popular with students. Each year, following individual guidance interviews with senior members of staff, students choose four options from a full suite of GCSEs and BTECs. The core subjects of English, Maths, Science, PSHE and PE are studied by all students and Religious Studies is a compulsory subject taken at the end of Year 10. Significant emphasis is also placed on supporting students to positively manage the inevitable stress associated with the examination pressures of Years 10 and 11, and additionally in providing students with excellent and impartial careers education, advice and guidance.


English Maths
Science PE 

On top of our core subjects we are fortunate to be able to provide a wide range of subjects for students to choose from for their pathways courses. Courses are designed to be relevant for students and to match their talents and interests. Students are supported in selecting their personal pathway including traditional academic and vocational courses (GCSEs, BTECs, NVQs, etc.).

Students will choose four choices and one reserve choice from the options below:

Art (GCSE)

Hospitality and Catering (NVQ)

Business Studies (GCSE)

ICT MultiMedia (Cambridge National)

Child Development (Cambridge National)

Music (GCSE)

Computer Science (GCSE)

Photography (GCSE)

Drama (GCSE)

Product Design (GCSE)

Film and TV (Cambridge National)

Sociology (GCSE)

French (GCSE)

Spanish (GCSE)

German (GCSE)

Sport (BTEC)

Geography (GCSE)

Textiles (GCSE)

History (GCSE)

Work Skills (non-examined)



Revision Information


Students will practise and develop revision techniques throughout their school career, and whilst this will take a greater prominence for the end of course exams in Year 11 and 13, students should reflect on their success and the strategies that they have used to date. 


The booklet below, gives advice on revision strategies and techniques, alongside specific information for Key Stage 4 courses and the content for the summer exams. 

booklet what and how to revise.pdf

  Below are links to the PowerPoint and resources from the parent information session, 'what and how to revise'.




Most student resources are shared with them directly via Google Classroom, but there are other potentially useful links below:

Bradley Stoke Community School revision website - this is being phased out and resources are being moved to Google Classroom

BBC Bitesize - you can select resources specific to each exam board